Photo Essay: The Jedediah Higgins House - Wood, metal, stone, and love in Princeton, NJ. cc-by lemasney Photo Essay: The Jedediah Higgins House – A story of ...2015-09-08 in brand / classes and presentations / consulting / curriculum vitae / design principles / honors / insights / photography / portfolio / professional activities / professional experience / publications / research interests / teaching tagged cc-by / Creative Commons license / emotion / lemasney / love / New Jersey / NJ / Photography / portfolio / princeton / Princeton University by lemsy (updated 1718 days ago)
Advance Organizers are a design method in which an audience is given new information in one of two ways in order to become oriented with a new concept. 2 of 365: Expository and Comparative Advance Organizers2014-01-02 in brand / consulting / curriculum vitae / design principles / Illustration / insights / portfolio / professional activities / professional experience / research interests / teaching experience tagged Arts / Font / graphic design / John LeMasney / / portfolio / Typography by lemsy (updated 1716 days ago)
1 So, I did this subject before, but I haven’t made a mix tape in a long time. We get totally spoiled with tools […] 84 of 365 is a mix tape #GIMP2011-03-25 in portfolio tagged Business / Creative Commons / Facebook / Open source / portfolio / postaday2011 / WordPress by lemsy (updated 3914 days ago)
75 of 365 is on disagreement #GIMP2011-03-17 in portfolio / requests tagged daily / Facebook / GIMP / Inkscape / lemasney / portfolio / postaday2011 / Princeton University / quotes / Rider / Tutorial / WordPress by lemsy (updated 3914 days ago)
I’ve decided that I’m going to try to do a screencast for each sketch to better explain the process. Let’s see how far I get. 69 of 365 is a man of many words #Inkscape2011-03-10 in portfolio tagged Cigar / Design / Free / GIMP / GNU / GPL / Inkscape / lemasney / Open source / portfolio / postaday2011 / sharing / Typography / Web Design and Development / WordPress by lemsy (updated 3914 days ago)
2 I’ve only had my glasses a few months. I never knew how incredibly hard it is to keep them clean! tags: memes, glasses, […] 61 of 365 is an adjective noun is adjective meme ...2011-03-03 in portfolio / requests tagged cc-sa / Creative Commons / Glasses / GNU / GPL / lemasney / portfolio / postaday2011 / sharing / WordPress by lemsy (updated 3914 days ago)