61 of 365 is an adjective noun is adjective meme #GIMP 2


Dirty glasses are dirrrrty

Dirty glasses are dirrrrty


I’ve only had my glasses a few months. I never knew how incredibly hard it is to keep them clean!

tags: memes, glasses, GNU, GPL, GIMP. open source, WordPress, LeMasney, sharing, 365, postaday2011, Creative Commons, CC-SA

This content is published under the Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

About lemsy

John LeMasney is an artist, graphic designer, and technology creative. He is located in beautiful, mountainous Charlottesville, VA, but works remotely with ease. Contact him at: lemasney@gmail.com to discuss your next creative project.

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2 thoughts on “61 of 365 is an adjective noun is adjective meme #GIMP

  • Amy

    I’ve had glasses since I was 8 years old. I love how they allow me to personalize my look, and then change it up if I want to, but scratches and dirt are the biggest pain in the behind. Even the glass I had that were coated in Teflon got dirty and scratched!!