Why Google should make Self-Driving Balls cc-by lemasney Why Google should make Self-Driving Balls cc-by lemasney2015-12-15 in brand / consulting / curriculum vitae / Illustration / insights / open source / portfolio / professional activities / research interests / technology tagged Star Wars by lemsy (updated 1700 days ago)
Please see the entire chapter by reading part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4. This is the conclusion: What can I do to […] 64 of 365: Using Pinterest to Gain a Visual Following ...2014-04-15 in affiliations / brand / consulting / curriculum vitae / insights / libraries / open source / portfolio / professional activities / professional experience / research interests / teaching / teaching experience / technology / workshops tagged lemasney.com / Pinterest / Social media / Star Wars / Uniform Resource Locator by lemsy (updated 1700 days ago)
I got an email today that asked me if my work could be used as an album cover, and I am delighted. To Mr Lemasney My […] On the benefits of the Creative Commons license2013-09-22 in affiliations / brand / consulting / curriculum vitae / honors / insights / professional activities / professional experience / publications tagged Creative Commons license / John LeMasney / Star Wars / Twitter by lemsy (updated 1700 days ago)
This was a modified idea first proposed by Dan Wockee where the Android would appear with a Groucho Marx mask. Thanks, Dan, for the spark, […] 73 of 365 is a dig on AT&T marketing #GIMP2011-03-14 in portfolio / requests tagged Android / Google / Open source / postaday2011 / Star Wars by lemsy (updated 1700 days ago)
1 So, yet again, my 70’s upbringing betrays me in today’s sketch. I started with a simple head-on image of a classic stormtrooper mask from Star […] Decorative classic stormtrooper mask by John LeMasney via 365sketches.org #cc ...2011-01-29 in portfolio tagged art / cc-sa / Creative Commons / daily / GIMP / GNU / GPL / Image Editing / lemasney / Open source / portfolio / postaday2011 / sharing / Star Wars / Twitter / wacom by lemsy (updated 1700 days ago)
In this sketch, I decided to bring together Boba Fett, stormtroopers, Darth Vader, some Empire iconography, and mash them all up with some urban, hip […] Urban Empire by John LeMasney via 365sketches.org #cc #design #stormtrooper ...2010-06-08 in portfolio tagged Arts / GIMP / Google / graphic design / Inkscape / John LeMasney / Star Wars / Vector graphics / WordPress by lemsy (updated 1700 days ago)