John LeMasney demonstrates how to use layer modes in GIMP Using layer modes in GIMP cc-by lemasney2011-06-08 in consulting / curriculum vitae / Illustration / insights / instructional technology / open source / photography / portfolio / professional activities / professional experience / requests / research interests / teaching / teaching experience / technology tagged Adobe Photoshop / Arts / GIMP / Graphics / Illustration / Image Editing / Open source / Photograph / postaday2011 by lemsy (updated 1709 days ago)
Here is a simple video tutorial and introduction to marquee selection and blur in the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP). Video is below. Click on […] Simple tutorial on marquee selection and applied blur in the ...2011-06-06 in portfolio tagged Adobe Photoshop / Cataract / Conditions and Diseases / Creative Commons / Creative Commons licenses / CrunchBase / GIMP / GNU General Public License / Graphics / Health / Image Editing / Inkscape / John LeMasney / Linux / Microsoft Windows / Open source / postaday2011 by lemsy (updated 1710 days ago)
Image is approximately 200×600 Video should finish processing by 3pm EST is ready to watch Day 156: Making a Facebook Profile Picture #GIMP2011-06-05 in portfolio tagged Adobe Photoshop / Arts / Facebook / GIMP / Graphics / Image Editing / LinkedIn / Online Communities / postaday2011 / Social Networking / Twitter by lemsy
2 Day 155: Using the ellipse tool in #Inkscape2011-06-04 in portfolio / requests tagged art / Google / Google SketchUp / Inkscape / LibreOffice / OpenSource / Operating system / postaday2011 / Scalable Vector Graphics by lemsy
Thanks to Peter Konin for inspiring me to say this in conversation. 🙂 Day 154: Slapdashery #Inkscape2011-06-03 in portfolio tagged Google / Google SketchUp / Inkscape / OpenSource / postaday2011 / Scalable Vector Graphics / WordPress by lemsy
Day 153: everything #Inkscape2011-06-02 in portfolio tagged Creative Commons / Google / Google SketchUp / ideas / Inkscape / OpenSource / postaday2011 / Scalable Vector Graphics by lemsy