1 Sarah asked me for a sushi sketch today, and I do everything Sarah says, generally. I also highly recommend the documentary “Jiro dreams of Sushi” […] Sushi illustration by John LeMasney via 365sketches.org #cc #drawing #sketch2011-03-01 in portfolio / requests tagged cc-sa / Creative Commons / CrunchBase / daily / GIMP / Graphics / Inkscape / John LeMasney / lemasney / Netflix / Open source / OpenSource / postaday2011 / sharing / Typography / WordPress by lemsy (updated 1689 days ago)
6 It is likely that I am just upset that it’s not a TiVo remote, but I really think this remote has some incredible design flaws. […] A review of the Verizon FIOS remote by John LeMasney ...2011-02-13 in portfolio tagged art / cc-sa / Creative Commons / daily / GIMP / GNU / GPL / Graphics / Inkscape / John LeMasney / Languages / lemasney / Library / Open source / OpenSource / portfolio / postaday2011 / Programming / Vector Based / WordPress by lemsy (updated 1689 days ago)
2 So this poster is my way of saying that I’m not ready to stop using Inkscape for daily sketches, and that other open source applications might […] A guide to common cigar types, lengths, and diameters by ...2011-01-10 in portfolio tagged cc-sa / Cigar / Creative Commons / daily / GIMP / GNU / GNU General Public License / GPL / Graphics / Inkscape / John LeMasney / lemasney / Open source / OpenSource / portfolio / postaday2011 / Shopping / Typography by lemsy (updated 1689 days ago)
I just realized that I never really properly introduced myself. I’m John. tags: introduction, sticker, hello, how do you do, Inkscape, design. 365, sketches, open […] Hello my name is by John LeMasney via 365sketches.org #cc ...2010-12-10 in portfolio tagged Creative Commons / Design / GIMP / Inkscape / John LeMasney / Languages / Modules / Open source / OpenSource / Programming / Python / sharism / Workflow by lemsy (updated 1689 days ago)
2 I’m about the biggest fanboy that Google has, but I’ll also be the first one to tell you it’s kind of scary how much they […] The revised Google motto by John LeMasney via 365sketches.org #Inkscape ...2010-11-29 in Illustration / portfolio tagged Apple / Creative Commons / Design / Diptych / Free / GIMP / Google / Graphics / Inkscape / John LeMasney / open / Open source / OpenSource / Search Engines / Searching / sharism / Typography / Vector Based / WordPress by lemsy (updated 1689 days ago)
3 A few things about me are consistently true. One is that I’m often late. The fact that this sketch is going out at 1 a.m. […] On punctuality (I have never been on time) by John ...2010-11-15 in portfolio tagged Creative Commons / Design / Diptych / GIMP / Inkscape / John LeMasney / Languages / Modules / New Jersey / Open source / OpenSource / portfolio / Programming / Python / sharism by lemsy (updated 3883 days ago)