I got called out by a friend of Dan Wadlinger’s to make a Platypus. I thought it was an interesting challenge, even if I already […] Platypus made out of text #design #typography #Inkscape2010-09-14 in consulting / curriculum vitae / design principles / Illustration / Inkscape / open source / portfolio / professional activities / professional experience / requests tagged Dan Wadlinger / Google / ideas / Illustration / Inkscape / Node Tool / Typography / United States / Video Games by lemsy (updated 1722 days ago)
I’ve received a strong response of interest (maybe jealousy?) in the “friend monograms” sketches, and I’m saying right here that if you ask for one, […] A monogram for Dan Wadlinger #cc #design #typography #inkscape #dw2010-08-09 in Illustration / portfolio / requests tagged art / Dan Wadlinger / GIMP / Google / Gradient tool / graphic design / ideas / Inkscape / John LeMasney / Kerning / portfolio / Relationships / Typography / WordPress by lemsy (updated 1723 days ago)
I don’t have an excuse. You all deserve better. I know we’ve had this conversation before, but I promise you I’ll try to get more […] 165 of 365 is an apology to all of you ...2010-06-04 in portfolio tagged Arts / Business / Calligraphy / Dan Wadlinger / Graphics / ideas / Inkscape / Library / Organizations / Typography / United States / Vector Based by lemsy (updated 1723 days ago)
Dan Wadlinger, a friend and co-worker at Rider University suggested this sketch: Ok John, in honor of the many graduations, I want to request a […] 148 of 365 is a graduated cylinder in #inkscape #visualpuns2010-05-18 in portfolio / requests tagged Colleges and Universities / Dan Wadlinger / Education / Organizations / Rider University / United States by lemsy (updated 1723 days ago)
The iBod is a new kind of computing device, one that takes you off the couch and allows you to truly interact. All of your […] A huge iPad – lemasney.com2010-04-16 in portfolio / requests tagged Adobe Illustrator / Adobe Photoshop / Dan Wadlinger / Ellipse / GIMP / Gradient tool / Graphics / Inkscape / IPad / Vector Based by lemsy (updated 1724 days ago)