I caught a lot of these as a kid and released them as wishes. I only ever wished for one thing. I called them Dandelion […]

So this is an image of a girl I found at Morguefile, and I used the clone and smudge tools to erase her face. A […]
An erased face by John LeMasney via 365sketches.org #cc #illustration ...
Special thanks to Shannon O’Connor and Ana Devecka for the question, the answer, and the quote. tags: success, fail, failure, open source, creative commons, Inkscape, […]
105 of 365 is a quote on success #Inkscape
Sometimes dreams are just dreams. Other times, they’re actually possible. tags: dreams, open source, creative commons, postaday2011, WordPress, Inkscape
104 of 365 is a solemn wish #Inkscape
It is more important for you to find your way than to find your way to mine. tags: paths, Inkscape, postaday2011, open source, […]
103 of 365 is about crossing paths #Inkscape

So here is our final version of the branding for the Cornerstone themed TEDx event on June 1st at Princeton Public Library. I’m proud and excited […]