10 So my libland friend Julie asked me to sketch her a giraffe, and I do just about anything Julie asks. In this case, I did […] 253 of 365 is a giraffe made out of text ...2010-08-31 in portfolio / requests tagged Arts / Games / GIMP / Graphics / ideas / Inkscape / John LeMasney / portfolio / Typography / Vector Based / Video Games by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)
4 So my friend Robert has been trying to get me into gaming. He alerted me to the fact that the gaming platform called Steam was […] 217 of 365 is for the weighted companion cube from ...2010-07-26 in portfolio / requests tagged Calligraphy / Coffee / Do it yourself / Facebook / FAQs Help and Tutorials / Games / Image / Inkscape / Video game by lemsy (updated 3881 days ago)
1 I don’t remember much about the Blondie and Dagwood Bumstead comedies from the black and white movie era, and I remember even less from the […] A dagwood style sandwich by John LeMasney via 365sketches.org #cc ...2010-06-19 in portfolio tagged Arts / Games / Home / Inkscape / John LeMasney / Shopping by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)
I had a vision of a grand exit — sort of a slammed door, thrown phone, I’m out of here scenario. Drama, that’s my thing. […] 172 of 365 is a grand sendoff in #inkscape #cyal8r2010-06-11 in portfolio tagged Games / Graphics / Inkscape / Video Games by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)
I always like to keep an open mind about people. When we start saying why do all X do Y, we are potentially revealing our biases […] 158 of 365 is a generalization and gender bias warning ...2010-05-29 in portfolio tagged Games / GIMP / Inkscape / John LeMasney / McDonald / Scalable Vector Graphics / Vector graphics / Video Games by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)
5 This is really just a simple use of path boolean logic and a blur based shadow effect. I added some text to a page and […] Rock Paper Scissors – LeMasney Consulting2010-02-11 in portfolio tagged Business / Games / Holidays / Inkscape / Paper / Recreation / Video game by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)