Rock Paper Scissors – LeMasney Consulting 5

paper rock scissors - LeMasney Consulting

paper rock scissors – LeMasney Consulting

This is really just a simple use of path boolean logic and a blur based shadow effect. I added some text to a page and converted to paths. I used the node tool to remove all of the inner shapes in the text to emulate what would happen in reality if these letters were cut out of paper. I then added the red rectangle. To push the effect, I did a path/difference to remove the text shapes from the rectangle. To simulate reality, I took this paper shape, duplicated it, added a blur and made it grey to create a shadow effect. I moved the shadow a bit down and to the right. I thought it was a funny kind of play on Rock Paper Scissors (rochambeau) and also clearly (hopefully) related to Valentine’s Day. I also felt like it was a little sad, like what someone who couldn’t tell his valentine how he really felt. This is for you, you sad, crushed, depressed design geeks. Go tell her (him, whoever) how you really feel.

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About lemsy

John LeMasney is an artist, graphic designer, and technology creative. He is located in beautiful, mountainous Charlottesville, VA, but works remotely with ease. Contact him at: to discuss your next creative project.

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