Ten things to consider before you take your first backpacking hike cc-by lemasney Hiking Trip: 10 things to consider before your first2016-08-22 in curriculum vitae / insights / photography / research interests tagged Fear / howto / Virginia by lemsy (updated 1718 days ago)
If you like this post, or if you feel like it might help someone, please share it. Thanks! How do I feel today; What did […] On maintenance #fitness #nutrition #health by lemasney2013-01-08 in insights / photography tagged Arduino / Eating / Fear / Fitbit / GIMP / Health / John LeMasney / New Jersey / Nutrition by lemsy (updated 1724 days ago)
2 And sometimes, you're quickly reminded why you built that dark, thick wall in the first place. On emotional walls cc-by lemasney And sometimes, you’re quickly reminded why you built that dark, ...2011-02-18 in brand / consulting / curriculum vitae / design principles / Illustration / insights / portfolio / research interests tagged cc-sa / Creative Commons / emotion / Fear / GNU / GPL / Graphics / lemasney / Open source / portfolio / postaday2011 / WordPress by lemsy (updated 1724 days ago)
I love Burger King fast food as much as the next person, but with every bite, I know I’m killing myself just a bit faster. […] Heart attack as Burger King logo by John LeMasney via ...2010-11-10 in portfolio tagged Creative Commons / Design / Diptych / Fear / GIMP / Google / Graphics / Health / Inkscape / John LeMasney / New Jersey / Open source / Vector Based / WordPress by lemsy (updated 1724 days ago)
I’ve always been able to count my many fears. I’m afraid of dying, scared of heights, frightened of losing the people I love, and so […] 199 of 365 is about curiosity [design] #Inkscape #type2010-07-08 in portfolio tagged Arts / Fear / Google / Health / Inkscape / Recreation / Relationships by lemsy (updated 1723 days ago)