I heart coffee. I decided to do a quick Sunday morning illustration of my favorite coffee mug. I love using Inkscape to do illustration with vector […] I heart coffee by lemasney2014-12-07 in brand / consulting / curriculum vitae / Illustration / open source / portfolio / professional experience / research interests tagged Adobe Illustrator / Bitmap / CorelDRAW / Creative Commons license / Inkscape / Scalable Vector Graphics / Vector graphics by lemsy (updated 3709 days ago)
It is becoming more important to know how to create original images, videos, and other visual content. You need transliteracy skills. In the same way […] The case for improving your visual creation skills #design #technology ...2013-03-29 in brand / consulting / insights / teaching / workshops tagged Adobe Illustrator / Arts / Business / Butter / Communication / CorelDRAW / Facebook / GIMP / Google / Graphics / Inkscape / John LeMasney / Microsoft PowerPoint / New Jersey / Peanut butter / Pinterest / Rider University / Scalable Vector Graphics / Social network / Vector Based by lemsy (updated 1666 days ago)
Day 238: Blood in the water #Inkscape2011-08-30 in portfolio tagged Adobe Illustrator / Business / CorelDRAW / Inkscape / postaday2011 / Scalable Vector Graphics / Tutorial / Water by lemsy
Day 216: On distraction and cycles #Inkscape2011-08-04 in portfolio tagged CorelDRAW / Games / Google SketchUp / Inkscape / LibreOffice / postaday2011 / Scalable Vector Graphics / Tutorial / Ubuntu by lemsy
Day 179: Glass completely empty #Inkscape2011-06-29 in portfolio / requests tagged CorelDRAW / Creative Commons / Google / Google SketchUp / ideas / Inkscape / OpenSource / postaday2011 / Scalable Vector Graphics by lemsy
Day 163: Revising a design for a circular presentation #Inkscape2011-06-12 in portfolio / requests tagged CorelDRAW / Google / Google SketchUp / Inkscape / OpenSource / Operating system / postaday2011 / Scalable Vector Graphics / Ubuntu by lemsy