classes and presentations

These are posts centered around presentations delivered by John LeMasney on various technology, branding, and design topics.

Mark Twain on what is important.
I have the honor of announcing that Jefferson-Madison Regional Library (JMRL) has agreed to let me speak in a free technology series in their beautiful downtown location. I love technology, and want to share what I love about it, continuing the work I've done for 20 years in the Northeastern part of our country. If you have a topic or a venue that you'd like covered, please contact me, and let's make that happen.

Technology Classes with John LeMasney

What I love about Google Calendar thumbnail and title
Number two of fifty-two is on one of my essential tools for productivity, time management, customer relationship management, task and to-do, and scheduling, Google Calendar! This was prompted by a conversation I was having with Ben Bakelaar and Peter Bromberg on Facebook about what I use for productivity and time management, and I said Google Calendar. When I got some feedback that their experience was less than stellar, I decided to share a screenshot of my GCal

What I love about Google Calendar: Productivity abundance cc-by lemasney