An illustration of a Scion with a strong notification engine. 281 of 365 is Shaun’s hopped up Toyota Scion2010-09-30 in design principles / Illustration / portfolio / requests tagged Arts and Entertainment / Business / Facebook / Google / Inkscape / Online Communities / Social Networking / United States by lemsy (updated 1685 days ago)
3 This is a a very quick sketch of my cat Jimmy using the trackpad and Inkscape. It’s a lot more fun drawing with a Wacom, […] 280 of 365 is a quick sketch of Jimmy #Inkscape #drawing2010-09-29 in portfolio tagged Arts / Graphics / Inkscape / portfolio / Recreation / Typography / Vector Based / wacom by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)
Another in the series. 277 of 365 is a rooster made out of text ...2010-09-29 in portfolio tagged Arts / Gradient tool / ideas / Inkscape / Node Tool / portfolio / Text Tool / Typography by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)
7 One of my favorite animals, chosen by Linus Torvalds as a representative ideological animal for Linux, popularized as the plush penguin named Tux. This is the […] A penguin made of text by John LeMasney via ...2010-09-27 in portfolio tagged Google / ideas / Inkscape / Linux / Text-Based / Toys and Games / Typography by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)
4 Seal A seal made of text by John LeMasney via ...2010-09-26 in consulting / curriculum vitae / Illustration / insights / instructional technology / open source / portfolio / professional activities / professional experience / references / research interests / teaching / technology tagged Animation / Arts / Creative Commons / Google / ideas / Illustration / Inkscape / John LeMasney / Node Tool / Open source / portfolio / Text Tool / Typography by lemsy (updated 1686 days ago)
This rhino is the latest in the text based animals series, a major thread in the 365 sketches project. Apologies for the late post. This […] 278 of 365 is a rhino made of text #design ...2010-09-26 in portfolio / requests tagged Arts / Google / ideas / Inkscape / portfolio / Programming / Text-Based / Typography / United States by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)