Clients often contact me asking for a logo, and my immediate response is to ask how they (plan to) define their brand. If I get […]
Monthly Archives: June 2010
So this is another case where I saw a photo and thought about how I could recreate it in Inkscape. In Inkscape, I created a […]
173 of 365 is a cloud with silver lining in ...
I had a vision of a grand exit — sort of a slammed door, thrown phone, I’m out of here scenario. Drama, that’s my thing. […]
172 of 365 is a grand sendoff in #inkscape #cyal8r
This is an important image for this project — it’s the first image in a new format (809×500) that is based on the Golden Rectangle, […]
171 of 365 says vinyl is dead in #Inkscape #music

My daily sketching friend Paul recently made an inspiring bowl of noodles at and it caused me to envision a similar image in Inkscape. […]
A bowl of noodles by John LeMasney via #Inkscape ...

In this sketch, I decided to bring together Boba Fett, stormtroopers, Darth Vader, some Empire iconography, and mash them all up with some urban, hip […]