1 My very good friend Angel suggested that I do a postcard from a disaster area in the style depicted here, and I thought […] 9 of 365 is a postcard from the gulf #GIMP2011-01-09 in portfolio / requests tagged cc-sa / Collecting / Creative Commons / Flickr / Free / fun / GIMP / GNU / GPL / lemasney / Open source / portfolio / postaday2011 / Recreation by lemsy (updated 1686 days ago)
1 The revised 365 sketches logo 8 of 365 is a new header for 365 Sketches2011-01-08 in brand / classes and presentations / design principles / Illustration / Inkscape / instructional technology / portfolio / professional activities / technology tagged Adobe Photoshop / cc-sa / Color / Creative Commons / daily / GIMP / GNU / GNU General Public License / GPL / Graphics / lemasney / Open source / portfolio / postaday2011 / sharing / WordPress by lemsy (updated 1684 days ago)