
These are design or consulting jobs that rose out of a request from the audience. I am always looking for prompts for new content, so if you have a need, please reach out.

What I love about Google Calendar thumbnail and title
Number two of fifty-two is on one of my essential tools for productivity, time management, customer relationship management, task and to-do, and scheduling, Google Calendar! This was prompted by a conversation I was having with Ben Bakelaar and Peter Bromberg on Facebook about what I use for productivity and time management, and I said Google Calendar. When I got some feedback that their experience was less than stellar, I decided to share a screenshot of my GCal

What I love about Google Calendar: Productivity abundance cc-by lemasney

LeMasney Consulting Logo 2015
Are you happy with your online presence? If you've worked with me, you know how much I love helping businesses get started. You need a few things for the digital side, and a few things on the real-life side. I have helped thousands of people with technology, and a lot of them are pleased. Take a look at the Testimonials page for more on what people are saying. Then consider our Small Business Starter Package!

Branding Starter Package: What if it was easy?