research interests

These are topics and ideas that I actively research, share, and comment on.

When in doubt, visit your library by lemasney 2
I was given a great opportunity to teach people how to create great presentations. TIME: January, 2013 LOCATION:  METRO, NYC The presentation I used is here: Learn […]

Designing Presentations: Beyond the Basics at METRO, NYC

Hey, Pinterest, please let me know who follows me back - 3
“Google strikes again! Pin what!?  Just when you thought you had it down. Gmail, Maps, Google search, iGoogle home page, gadgets, even games and utilities. […]

John LeMasney on Pinterest and Google Plus, BCUG, October, 2012

20121123: Easel computing by John LeMasney via #cc #design #tablets 3
DATE/TIME:  Oct 23 2012 – 7:00pm – 9:00pm LOCATION:  Community Room, Princeton Public Library Technologists John LeMasney and Khürt Williams will debate the merits of […]

John LeMasney: Android vs. iOS Smackdown at PPL, October 2012