instructional technology

These are posts in which LeMasney Consulting was involved in the use of technology to assist in teaching and learning.

Mark Twain on what is important.
I have the honor of announcing that Jefferson-Madison Regional Library (JMRL) has agreed to let me speak in a free technology series in their beautiful downtown location. I love technology, and want to share what I love about it, continuing the work I've done for 20 years in the Northeastern part of our country. If you have a topic or a venue that you'd like covered, please contact me, and let's make that happen.

Technology Classes with John LeMasney

Okay google, what year is it cc-by lemasney
The title of that short story is Okay Google, what year is it?, and the orb you see is some nearby year's equivalent to the amazing Amazon Echo, except it uses quiet drone and magnetic stops technologies to float about your house, answering any question, turning on and off million colored micro LEDs under your feet and overhead as you walk along the heavily corridored apartments of the future.

Illustration: Okay Google – what year is it? cc-by lemasney