Thanks so much for all you do and say and are. It was a pleasure to have you here; To be with you a short while cc-by lemasney
Thanks so much for all you do and say and are. It was a pleasure to have you here; To be with you a short while cc-by lemasney
While I intend to continue to post here from time to time, this is the official last post of the second set of 365 sketches. I wanted to take this moment, at the end of 2012, to thank everyone who contributed to the project with ideas and support, patience and kindness. In many ways, this project changed, maybe saved, my life. Thanks to all of you.
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Thanks so much for all you do and say and are. It was a pleasure to have you here; To be with you a short while cc-by lemasney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
lemasney, design, open source, creative commons, cc-by, typography, poster, Inkscape, GIMP
Look at my favorite images from this project on the Portfolio page
This image is Creative Commons Attribution licensed (cc-by lemasney)
This content is published under the Attribution 3.0 Unported license.
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