I'm still very excited about the Photo Essay about Jedediah Higgins House though I'd love more people to see it. Have you checked it out yet? I've also been thinking alot about the social networking problem of chaos versus order, and how hashtags are a really great, open solution that many people are still confused about. Hashtags are an idea, simply, that collect other ideas. When I precede a word with a hash (#) it indicates that I am using it as a collector, group, or thread that leads to other content about that topic, because others have used that hashtag as well. I love WordPress in part because of how well it uses tags and categories as well as other metadata to prompt you to create a taxonomy (or folksonomy) of your content. What’s going on in early October at LeMasney Consulting?2015-10-07 in affiliations / brand / classes and presentations / consulting / curriculum vitae / design principles / honors / Illustration / insights / photography / portfolio / professional activities / professional experience / publications / research interests / teaching / teaching experience / technology / workshops tagged Arduino / art / Design / Music / NJ / princeton / Raspberry Pi / Social media / Twitter / Universal Serial Bus by lemsy (updated 3426 days ago)
I am very excited to have been asked to give the keynote presentation and other presentations at Lib2.0 2015: A Media Specialist Symposium, in October 2015. My first keynote presentation: Lib2.0 at Stockton2015-06-18 in affiliations / brand / classes and presentations / consulting / curriculum vitae / honors / instructional technology / libraries / open source / professional activities / professional experience / references / research interests / teaching / teaching experience / technology / workshops tagged Facebook / Google / Instagram / LinkedIn / Pinterest / Social media / Twitter by lemsy (updated 594 days ago)
Please see the entire chapter by reading part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4. This is the conclusion: What can I do to […] 64 of 365: Using Pinterest to Gain a Visual Following ...2014-04-15 in affiliations / brand / consulting / curriculum vitae / insights / libraries / open source / portfolio / professional activities / professional experience / research interests / teaching / teaching experience / technology / workshops tagged lemasney.com / Pinterest / Social media / Star Wars / Uniform Resource Locator by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)
Please visit part 1, part 2 and part 3 to read the rest of the chapter so far. How does one use Pinterest? Searching – the […] 62 of 365: Using Pinterest to Gain a Visual Audience ...2014-04-14 in affiliations / brand / classes and presentations / consulting / curriculum vitae / insights / libraries / portfolio / professional activities / professional experience / research interests / teaching / technology / workshops tagged Facebook / Library / Pinterest / Social media / Twitter by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)
Please take a look at part 1 and part 2 of this serial chapter on Pinterest as well. Who is using Pinterest? According to a […] 61 of 365: Using Pinterest to Gain a Visual Following ...2014-04-12 in affiliations / brand / consulting / curriculum vitae / insights / libraries / portfolio / professional activities / professional experience / research interests / teaching / teaching experience / technology tagged Facebook / Libraries / Library and Information Science / LinkedIn / Pinterest / Social media / Twitter / Uniform Resource Locator by lemsy (updated 1686 days ago)
The following posts were written and proposed as a book chapter on Pinterest for Libraries, but the chapter was not accepted. Sad, except that now […] 59 of 365: Using Pinterest to Gain a Visual Following ...2014-04-08 in affiliations / brand / consulting / curriculum vitae / insights / libraries / open source / portfolio / professional activities / professional experience / publications / references / requests / research interests / teaching / teaching experience / technology tagged John LeMasney / Library / Pinterest / Social media / Uniform Resource Locator by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)