2 Annihilation in Anaheim, ALA Battledecks 2012 visual branding cc-by lemasney #creativecommons #design #cc-by #libraries Annihilation in Anaheim, ALA Battledecks 2012 visual branding cc-by lemasney ...2012-12-14 in affiliations / brand / consulting / curriculum vitae / design principles / honors / Illustration / libraries / portfolio / professional activities / professional experience / references / requests / technology tagged cc-by / Creative Commons / Design / gaming / GIMP / Graphics / Home / Inkscape / John LeMasney / lemasney / Libraries / Open source / Scalable Vector Graphics / Typography / wedding / Wikipedia / WordPress by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)
An interesting use of the text follows path tool in Inkscape to show a bit of optimism. 20121117: Optimism by John LeMasney via 365sketches.org #design2012-11-17 in Illustration / portfolio tagged Graphics / Inkscape / John LeMasney / Scalable Vector Graphics / Tools / Vector Based / Vector graphics by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)
13 So this is an explanation of the two key formats that you can spit out of Inkscape, the open source vector illustration program. I made […] 20121111: an explanation of SVG vs. PNG2012-11-12 in Illustration / portfolio / requests tagged Adobe Illustrator / gaming / Graphics / Inkscape / Open source / Scalable Vector Graphics / Vector Based / Vector graphics by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)
20111001 is about patience #Inkscape2011-10-01 in portfolio tagged Business / Inkscape / Linux / Mac OS X / Microsoft Windows / Open source / postaday2011 / Scalable Vector Graphics / Shopping by lemsy
I gave a talk in the Princeton University Seminar Series called the Productive Scholar on Inkscape, the premier open source illustration program. September 22, 2011: The Productive Scholar: Inkscape2011-09-29 in professional activities / professional experience / teaching experience / technology tagged Articles / Colleges and Universities / Directories / Education / Inkscape / IPhone / New Jersey / Open source / Princeton University / Scalable Vector Graphics / United States by lemsy (updated 1686 days ago)
Day 263: Easy like Sunday Morning #Inkscape2011-09-21 in portfolio tagged art / Inkscape / Linux / Mac OS X / Music / Open source / postaday2011 / Scalable Vector Graphics / Tutorial by lemsy