Librarians, please explain like I'm 5. Am I overreacting, or is this a part of the death of libraries? ELI5 Libraries edition: Library meeting room policy that omits business ...2015-10-29 in affiliations / consulting / curriculum vitae / libraries / professional activities / professional experience / references / research interests / teaching experience / technology tagged New York City / Public library by lemsy (updated 3437 days ago)
Library Link NJ Tech Speed Dating sessions I am very grateful to Library Link NJ, the statewide consortium that provides technology, training, and other support […] 43 of 365: On Supporting Electronic Devices in a Library ...2014-02-12 in consulting tagged IPad / IPhone / Libraries / Library / Library and Information Science / Public library by lemsy (updated 1720 days ago)
2 Tonight, I’m getting the chance to talk to librarians about a topic that I think is incredibly important to discuss, but do not get the […] On Organizational Branding for Libraries and other institutions2013-03-19 in brand / classes and presentations / consulting / insights / workshops tagged Brand / Libraries / Library / Library and Information Science / Princeton University / Public library / United States / Wikipedia by lemsy (updated 1720 days ago)
6 So, for keeping designer’s block low in this project, I have devised a few techniques to stay creative. The one with the most potential so far, […] 20121128: A heart cut out of paper by John LeMasney ...2012-11-28 in Illustration / portfolio tagged Apple / Arts / gaming / GIMP / Google / Home / Illustration / Inkscape / John LeMasney / Public library / wacom / WordPress by lemsy (updated 1720 days ago)
8 I recently got a gift that I thought was incredibly thoughtful, insightful, and a key indicator to the giver’s state of mind and grace. I’ve […] 20121126: Lucky Bamboo sketch by John LeMasney via #cc ...2012-11-26 in Illustration / portfolio tagged Android / Apple / GIMP / Google / Home / Inkscape / IOS / John LeMasney / Public library / wedding / WordPress by lemsy (updated 1720 days ago)
4 This is a metaphor for me. I often feel that I still have the weight that I've lost when I walk. I feel that my personality is heavy when I am light. 20121125: A man with an elephant’s step by John LeMasney ...2012-11-25 in design principles / Illustration / portfolio tagged Apple / GIMP / Google / Graphics / Home / Inkscape / John LeMasney / Public library / Self-portrait / wedding / WordPress by lemsy (updated 1720 days ago)