2 Self-portrait as a Buddha cc-by lemasney Self-portrait as a Buddha cc-by lemasney2010-04-30 in affiliations / brand / consulting / curriculum vitae / design principles / Illustration / insights / portfolio / research interests / teaching / teaching experience tagged Adobe Illustrator / Business / Facebook / Graphics / ideas / Inkscape / IOS / IPhone / Photograph / Photography / Portrait / Twitter / United States / Vector Based / wacom by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)
Hey, all. This one was fun. Sarah, who is a long time worker for me, but also a supportive friend and confidant, was nice enough […] A portrait of Sarah Badawy – LeMasney Consulting2010-03-25 in portfolio / requests tagged Bitmap / Calligraphy / Face / Graphics / Inkscape / Portrait / Scalable Vector Graphics / Vector Based by lemsy (updated 3876 days ago)
3 I opened up PhotoBooth on my MBP, and took a quick close up shot of my face in a scowl. I brought it into […] 45 of 365 is a self portrait with a scowl ...2010-02-04 in portfolio tagged Adobe Illustrator / Arts / Bitmap / GIMP / Graphics / Inkscape / OpenSource / Portrait / Scalable Vector Graphics / Vector Based / Vector graphics by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)
Here’s another text based portrait, and in this case a self portrait. For this technique, I start by placing a photo in Inkscape, and doing […] 22 of 365 is a self portrait in text2010-01-12 in portfolio tagged Arts / GIMP / Graphics / Inkscape / John LeMasney / OpenSource / Portrait / Self-portrait by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)