On the connections between middle fingers and chi. cc-by lemasney The Chi of a Middle Finger2015-11-20 in insights tagged Bread / Energy / IOS / Microsoft Windows / United States by lemsy (updated 1686 days ago)
Pressly: The DIY Almighty Smartphone Button Pressly: The DIY Almighty Smartphone Button2015-09-08 in consulting / curriculum vitae / instructional technology / research interests / teaching experience tagged Android / Android (operating system) / Facebook / Google / IOS / IPhone / LeMasney Consulting / news / sharing / Universal Serial Bus / useful by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)
Tonight at Princeton Theological Seminary, I'll be joining the members of the Princeton Macintosh Users Group (PMUG) to discuss the various benefits of Evernote. http://pmug-nj.org/ Tonight at PMUG: On Evernote2015-04-14 in affiliations / classes and presentations / consulting / curriculum vitae / instructional technology / professional activities / professional experience / references / research interests / teaching / teaching experience / technology tagged Google Drive / IOS / Raspberry Pi by lemsy (updated 1678 days ago)
A client and friend asked me how one can use templates in Google Docs/Drive. When I want to use a starting template in Google Drive, […] Using “templates” in Google Drive2013-09-20 in classes and presentations / consulting / insights / teaching tagged Android / Google / Google Drive / IOS by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)
I was visiting a mall kiosk recently in the hopes of repairing my beloved Nexus 7 Android tablet. The kiosk advertises the repair of iOS […] On gaining customer confidence and providing a high level of ...2013-08-13 in brand / consulting / insights / research interests tagged Android / Google / IOS / IPad by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)
Tonight, April 9th, 2013, at Princeton Public Library at 7 pm, I’ll be talking about the Android Operating System and why I adore it. […] Tonight: What you should know about Android devices2013-04-09 in consulting / insights / libraries / workshops tagged Android / Apple / Facebook / IOS / IPhone / Princeton Public Library by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)