2 An illustrated poem about bumper cars. 203 of 365 is about bumper cars2010-07-12 in Illustration / insights / portfolio / professional activities / professional experience / research interests tagged Arts / Google / ideas / Inkscape / Poetry / Text Tool / Typography / United States by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)
So this is a little note to myself, and to a lot of my friends right now, to keep it up. Keep going. Keep trying […] 201 of 365 urges you to keep trying [image] #Inkscape2010-07-10 in portfolio tagged Arts / Google / Graphics / Health / Home / ideas / Inkscape / Vector Based by lemsy (updated 1688 days ago)
The saddest part about this, really, is that I have more than one friend/liker/pal who wants this sketch done. I’m not mentioning any names, but […] 198 of 365 is an overstayed welcome in #Inkscape2010-07-07 in portfolio / requests tagged Google / Graphics / History / Home / ideas / Inkscape / Recreation / Shopping by lemsy (updated 1688 days ago)
This is a great and inspirational quote in my opinion, from a great master of action. I love the puzzle-like way that these letterforms fit […] 197 of 365 is a call to action in #Inkscape ...2010-07-06 in portfolio tagged Arts / Google / Graphics / ideas / Inkscape / Relationships / Typography / Vector Based by lemsy (updated 1688 days ago)
7 This is a fairly simple image that is all about Inkscape’s ability to divide and conquer, visually speaking — making an easy task of taking […] 196 of 365 is some great hair in #Inkscape2010-07-05 in portfolio tagged Arts / Business / Calligraphy / Graphics / ideas / Inkscape / Photograph / Vector Based by lemsy (updated 1688 days ago)
2 There are lots of ways to interpret freedom. Many of us in the US see freedom as a given, a birthright. In other parts of […] 195 of 365 is a kind of freedom in #Inkscape ...2010-07-04 in portfolio tagged Business / Google / Graphics / ideas / Inkscape / Node Tool / Shopping by lemsy (updated 1688 days ago)