I'm still very excited about the Photo Essay about Jedediah Higgins House though I'd love more people to see it. Have you checked it out yet? I've also been thinking alot about the social networking problem of chaos versus order, and how hashtags are a really great, open solution that many people are still confused about. Hashtags are an idea, simply, that collect other ideas. When I precede a word with a hash (#) it indicates that I am using it as a collector, group, or thread that leads to other content about that topic, because others have used that hashtag as well. I love WordPress in part because of how well it uses tags and categories as well as other metadata to prompt you to create a taxonomy (or folksonomy) of your content. What’s going on in early October at LeMasney Consulting?2015-10-07 in affiliations / brand / classes and presentations / consulting / curriculum vitae / design principles / honors / Illustration / insights / photography / portfolio / professional activities / professional experience / publications / research interests / teaching / teaching experience / technology / workshops tagged Arduino / art / Design / Music / NJ / princeton / Raspberry Pi / Social media / Twitter / Universal Serial Bus by lemsy (updated 3426 days ago)
MintySynth software can provide many hours of fun with no need for programming or a music background. It’s a 4-voice, 16-step wavetable sequencer MintySynth2015-08-31 in consulting / curriculum vitae / instructional technology / open source / professional activities / professional experience / research interests / teaching / teaching experience / technology tagged Arduino / Facebook / LeMasney Consulting / news / sharing / useful by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)
The story of the maple seed hanging sculptures that are a part of the 2015 Princeton Parklet is a very interesting one, and I thought I'd share it as a way of thanking everyone involved in their creation. But first, some definitions. The Story of the Maple Seeds at the 2015 Princeton ...2015-06-15 in brand / consulting / curriculum vitae / design principles / honors / insights / photography / portfolio / professional activities / professional experience / references / research interests / technology tagged Arduino / art / Design / Inkscape / NJ / princeton / Scalable Vector Graphics / Wikipedia by lemsy (updated 1685 days ago)
“In this talk, John LeMasney will discuss the trials, tribulations, and successes of creating and teaching classes on Arduino as programming at several New Jersey […] NCompass Live Tech Talk: Using the Arduino to Develop Coding ...2014-11-26 in affiliations / brand / classes and presentations / consulting / curriculum vitae / insights / instructional technology / libraries / open source / professional activities / professional experience / research interests / teaching / teaching experience / technology / workshops tagged Arduino / Open source / Wi-Fi by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)
Joy is Your sons carrying around rocks and leaves that they found for you, that meet clear expectations, and exceed them. Quiet in the forest; Sanctitude […] On joy.2014-10-14 in affiliations / consulting / curriculum vitae / insights / professional activities / professional experience / publications / teaching / teaching experience tagged Arduino / John LeMasney / LeMasney Consulting by lemsy (updated 3785 days ago)
2 The Arduino starter kit via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/accounts/login/?next=/p/uEUv8gLi05/ Here is the finished project 09 from the Arduino starter kit. For some reason the Fritzing image for […] Arduino Starter Kit Project 09: Motorized Pinwheel2014-10-12 in classes and presentations / consulting / curriculum vitae / insights / open source / professional activities / professional experience / teaching experience / technology / workshops tagged Android (operating system) / Arduino / Do it yourself / IFTTT / Instagram by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)