An illustration of the phrase “what’s up?” by John LeMasney via #3d #typography #drawing #greeting 3

An illustration of the phrase

An illustration of the phrase “what’s up?” by John LeMasney via #3d #typography #drawing #greeting

I’ll start by saying that the text in this image, and its 3D treatment were not done in Inkscape, but in a free (but not open source) version of the application called SketchUp, owned by Google, and used to build really wonderful things in three dimensions. After making the text there, I imported the exported picture from SketchUp into Inkscape, did a bitmap trace, and then used the fill tool to color the image. A fun workflow, though next time, I think I’ll use Blender, an open source 3d modeling tool.

what’s up, greeting, hi there, sup, open source, lemasney, inkscape, GIMP, SketchUp, blender, sketch, illustration, drawing

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About lemsy

John LeMasney is an artist, graphic designer, and technology creative. He is located in beautiful, mountainous Charlottesville, VA, but works remotely with ease. Contact him at: to discuss your next creative project.

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