167 of 365 is an example of happiness in #Inkscape #typography 2

Bird with banana

Bird with banana

This is my image and my design, but not my original idea. I’ve seen it done a few different ways in a few different places, but I was inspired to do this sketch when I saw what I suppose is the original at https://www.etsy.com/listing/48469441/. I originally made the illustration with a french fry, but the restrictive overzealous copyright notice on the Etsy site made me think that this artist wouldn’t appreciate the emulation, extension or reproduction. So, I decided to modify the idea to try to create the same effect in people, essentially zany motivation, but with a different, more ridiculous concept. I didn’t even have to change the color scheme. 😉

As always, all of the work on my site is Creative Commons Attribution licensed, meaning that as long as you tell people how to find the original at 365sketches.org it’s yours to use as you wish, for any purpose. Enjoy!

This content is published under the Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

About lemsy

John LeMasney is an artist, graphic designer, and technology creative. He is located in beautiful, mountainous Charlottesville, VA, but works remotely with ease. Contact him at: lemasney@gmail.com to discuss your next creative project.

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2 thoughts on “167 of 365 is an example of happiness in #Inkscape #typography

  • Paul

    I really like Etsy. I think it’s a great way for artists to make money. But sometimes I can’t believe the things they sell (Hence Regretsy, I suppose). But things like this bug me. I mean the phrase is cute and all, but why wouldn’t I (or anyone else) just print out the same phrase ourselves? The bird is cute, mind you. But I have to say your bird is cuter, our slogan is funnier and the typeface is a nice zinger. And, it’s free!

    • lemasney

      I’m certain that Etsy doesn’t require the restrictive way that this artist chose to protect their work. As far as I’m concerned, and as you can see, the general concept isn’t really protectable. I definitely subscribe to the idea of sharing what you have to get that and then some back. Thanks for your visit and kind words, Paul!