This sketch illustrates the first lyric in the Queens of the Stone Age song No one knows from Songs for the Deaf. Day 133: A QOTSA lyric #Inkscape2011-05-13 in portfolio / requests tagged Inkscape / Music / postaday2011 / Queens of the Stone Age / YouTube by lemsy (updated 3861 days ago)
My friend Laraine wrote me recently with a request: “I need help with the attached photo…it is the Blawenburg Band at the Hopewell gazebo, being […] 19 of 365 is a virtual ironing #GIMP2011-01-19 in portfolio / requests tagged cc-sa / Creative Commons / GIMP / GNU / GPL / Graphics / Image Editing / lemasney / NJ / Open source / Photo manipulation / portfolio / princeton / YouTube by lemsy (updated 3861 days ago)
1 Libraries and Transliteracy cc-by lemasney #logo #Inkscape #libraries #design #typography Libraries and Transliteracy cc-by lemasney #logo #Inkscape #libraries #design #typography2010-07-18 in affiliations / brand / consulting / curriculum vitae / design principles / Illustration / instructional technology / libraries / open source / portfolio / professional activities / professional experience / requests / research interests / teaching experience / technology tagged Adobe Illustrator / Adobe Photoshop / Creative Commons / Creative Commons license / GIMP / Inkscape / Libraries / Library / Library and Information Science / Scalable Vector Graphics / Social network / Television / Wikipedia / YouTube by lemsy (updated 1667 days ago)
2 Daniel Veazey, who has lately become a vocal supporter of 365sketches, recently successfully attempted a technique that I call the ‘candy coating’ effect. On YouTube […] Gold Star – LeMasney Consulting2010-04-11 in portfolio tagged Adobe Illustrator / Color / Ellipse / Gradient tool / Graphics / Inkscape / Rectangle Tool / Vector Based / YouTube by lemsy (updated 1667 days ago)