So, this is some branding for a Bristol, PA based team that is walking to fight breast cancer. I’m a sucker for a […]
So I’m on the superteam for TEDx Princeton Library, from the people who brought you TEDx NJ Libraries. My first task is to […]
93 of 365 is branding work for TEDx Princeton Library ...
So this is a short tutorial of how to do something practical in Inkscape –create a header with a gradient from white to […]
92 of 365 is a blog header #Inkscape
As many of you know I have cataracts in each of my eyes, which is unusual for people who are not yet 40. […]
91 of 365 is on my cataracts #Inkscape
Take a deep breath. tags: calm, wordpress, postaday2011, open source, creative commons
89 of 365 is a lesson #Inkscape
Sometimes things are concrete and forever, and sometimes they’re fleeting. tags: dream, gone, awake, wordpress, postaday2011, open source, Inkscape, creative commons