This is from the amazing album from Radiohead, Kid A. National Anthem is a must listen. Day 140: a Radiohead Lyric #Inkscape2011-05-20 in portfolio tagged Google SketchUp / History / Inkscape / postaday2011 / Queens of the Stone Age / radiohead by lemsy
2 Day 139: First things first #Inkscape2011-05-19 in portfolio / requests tagged art / Google / Google SketchUp / Inkscape / OpenSource / postaday2011 / Princeton University / Scalable Vector Graphics / Tutorial by lemsy (updated 3904 days ago)
Day 138: Key #GIMP2011-05-18 in portfolio tagged Adobe Photoshop / GIMP / Inkscape / Open source / postaday2011 / WordPress by lemsy
I look at this too much now. Day 137: inside #photo2011-05-17 in consulting tagged postaday2011 by lemsy (updated 3904 days ago)
Day 136: Must love birds #Inkscape2011-05-16 in portfolio / requests tagged Birds / Google / Google SketchUp / Inkscape / OpenSource / postaday2011 / Recreation / Scalable Vector Graphics / Tutorial by lemsy
2 A lyric from the Cake song Satan is my motor. Day 135: A Cake lyric #Inkscape2011-05-15 in portfolio tagged cooking / Google SketchUp / Home / Inkscape / postaday2011 / Shopping by lemsy