
These are workshops, sessions that LeMasney Consulting led or otherwise participated in to train or otherwise help people to come to a new understanding about a topic we specialize in. Mostly these are hands-on learning opportunities with software, hardware, branding, and fitness.

Presidential Mashup
If you've ever been to one of my workshops on open source graphics apps, you likely saw me use this technique there as a way to demonstrate the power of the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP). In the GIMP, this is a technique that involves layer masks, blurring, brushwork, image scaling, and guidelines as a way of believably merging one recognizable face onto another becognizable head.

A presidential mashup: Abraham Washington

John LeMasney teaching
Web 2.0 - The World Wide Web is changing. New technologies, such as XML and XHTML, have made the web dynamic and interactive creating a new, more powerful, web experience the user can interact with. Learn how to use social networking like Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Ning, LinkedIn, and more. Learn new ways to search and find information.

John LeMasney talks about the new Internet