professional activities

This is a listing of my profession-related activities and actions. It should let you know why I think of myself as a professional.

Brownstone by the beach - LeMasney Consulting
So here I have an urban apartment building/townhouse which I'm clearly mislabeling as a brownstone, painted on a brown stone. I haven't decided yet whether it's just a painted facade or whether you can actually enter it. I like to think that someone walks up to it, tries to enter, and grabs an image of a doorknob.

Brownstone by the beach

Presidential Mashup
If you've ever been to one of my workshops on open source graphics apps, you likely saw me use this technique there as a way to demonstrate the power of the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP). In the GIMP, this is a technique that involves layer masks, blurring, brushwork, image scaling, and guidelines as a way of believably merging one recognizable face onto another becognizable head.

A presidential mashup: Abraham Washington