Highly reflective sphere A highly reflective sphere2010-03-24 in design principles / Illustration / Inkscape / portfolio tagged Arts / Graphics / Inkscape / Photography / Shopping / Vector Based by lemsy (updated 1676 days ago)
2 4 ghosts from Pac Man reimagined - LeMasney Consulting 4 ghosts from Pac Man reimagined – LeMasney Consulting2010-03-23 in affiliations / brand / consulting / curriculum vitae / design principles / Illustration / open source / photography / portfolio / professional activities / professional experience / teaching experience tagged Bezier / Color / Ellipse / Inkscape / Paranormal by lemsy (updated 1685 days ago)
So there’s lots of reasons for this. First I was thinking of my beautiful wife, and how by mutual agreement, she pretty much has the […] It’s good to be Queen – LeMasney Consulting2010-03-22 in portfolio tagged Ellipse / GIMP / Gradient tool / Graphics / ideas / Inkscape / Shopping / Vector Based by lemsy (updated 1685 days ago)
This is actually Sunday’s post, even though it’s late in the day, but this was the first opportunity I had to be online today. I […] Save NJ LIbraries – LeMasney Consulting2010-03-21 in portfolio tagged Inkscape / Libraries / Library / Library and Information Science / New Jersey / Public library / United States by lemsy (updated 1685 days ago)
4 So this is in response to a 365 request from a friend and loyal workshop attendee, Robin Milne, who in noticing my love for the […] 89 of 365 is a wild sunburst in #Inkscape @Robin ...2010-03-20 in portfolio / requests tagged Calligraphy / Ellipse / GIMP / Graphics / ideas / Inkscape / Vector Based by lemsy (updated 3873 days ago)
5 Tomorrow is 2010’s spring equinox, and so I thought I’d celebrate with a highly stylized flower design. In Inkscape, I started by adding two inline […] 88 of 365 is a spring flower mindful of winter ...2010-03-19 in portfolio tagged Bezier / Ellipse / GIMP / Graphics / Health / Inkscape / Shopping / Vector Based by lemsy (updated 3873 days ago)