215 of 365 is a field of dreams [illustration] Inkscape @scarbonaro 4

Field of dreams by John LeMasney via lemasney.com

Field of dreams by John LeMasney via lemasney.com

I myself had a rough time with sports through my life. I really was a very bad baseball player, and had some success with basketball. Football is something that just escapes me. If you’ve never met me, I’m a bit of a tank. I’m not proud of it, it just is. Always has been. I earned the rage of my high school football team and earned a lot of school-wide enemies by dropping off the team after two games in my freshman year. I hated the game. I didn’t understand why I was being asked to (specifically) hurt people. I personally feel like my lack of interest in team sports was kind of a wedge between me and my dad, one of my sisters, and many co-workers for whom team sports is a kind of religion. A handful of close friends are highly avid fanatics for sports teams, though, and it’s something I ask from time to time: Why do you care about (team name)? What is it that makes you so excited? I’ve never gotten an answer that was personally satisfying. But to them, it’s a way of life that requires jacket and mug purchasing, score retweets, and spontaneous play by play monologue for everyday actions. I don’t get it, but I still love them.

Suzanne Carbonaro is a friend, an avid NY teams fan, and a long time collaborator in many projects. She recently made the request for a field of dreams with a pretty sunset, and I hope I came through for her.

This content is published under the Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

About lemsy

John LeMasney is an artist, graphic designer, and technology creative. He is located in beautiful, mountainous Charlottesville, VA, but works remotely with ease. Contact him at: lemasney@gmail.com to discuss your next creative project.

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4 thoughts on “215 of 365 is a field of dreams [illustration] Inkscape @scarbonaro

  • scarbonaro

    John, I love this…You absolutely caught the essence of the field and the beauty of the dreams. In baseball, you have to let your hopes and dreams drive you, let them re-ignite your passion and help you fight through the tough outs and rough slumps. Thank you for stepping away from your sports woes to draw such an amazing tribute to the sport I love- Beautifully done!

    • lemasney

      Cool, Suzanne! Glad you liked it. I feel like the idea of letting your hopes and dreams drive you, letting them re-ignite your passions and fight through the tough outs and rough slumps could be applied to a lot more than baseball, right? I feel that way about design, for example. I feel like it helps me transcend my own limitations, go past my own boundaries, and see past my own differences. Thanks for helping me to find that insight, and find even more common ground with you!

    • lemasney

      Thanks, Debra. I have my workshop attendees to thanks for those effects. I was making good use of the masking tool in Inkscape, which they pushed me to investigate further. 🙂