2 So here is another collaboration with my great and longtime friend, Sam Pinola. Sam sent me a bitmap traced SVG of his band, and we […] A monster guitarist: Samzilla by John LeMasney via lemasney.com (Sam ...2010-07-17 in portfolio / requests tagged art / Arts and Entertainment / Creative Commons / GIMP / Graphics / Inkscape / John LeMasney / lemasney.com / portfolio / Recreation / Scalable Vector Graphics / Typography / United States / Vector Based by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)
2 So here is a late post for Friday — I was traveling from Orlando, so I apologize for the delay. So this is my son […] 207 of 365 is Jack as the Avatar [illustration] #Inkscape2010-07-17 in portfolio tagged Animation / art / Inkscape / Netflix by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)