Girls don’t walk anywhere if they don’t want to – Sarah –

Girls don't walk anywhere if they don't want to - Sarah

Girls don’t walk anywhere if they don’t want to – Sarah

One of my favorite people in the world, and someone who has participated in 365Sketches before (join in at recently gave me some insight into gender differences and diversity awareness. Upon indicating that I was going to a certain location, and that if she wanted to go it was quite walkable, Sarah Badawy, without blinking said, “Well, I’m a girl, and that’s not the sort of thing we do. Just saying”. She was being facetious, of course, but I immediately thanked her for contributing to the project, to which she laughed a bit.

This sketch is really just a simple case of text manipulation, but it’s one of the most fun things to do in Inkscape. Thanks to Sarah for letting me know about girls. Just sayin.

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About lemsy

John LeMasney is an artist, graphic designer, and technology creative. He is located in beautiful, mountainous Charlottesville, VA, but works remotely with ease. Contact him at: to discuss your next creative project.

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