2 For Andy Woodworth and anybody else who’s ever helped someone to gain information literacy. Day 145: For Q&A NJ, a virtual reference service in ...2011-05-25 in portfolio / requests tagged Google SketchUp / Inkscape / Libraries / Library and Information Science / OpenSource / postaday2011 / Tutorial by lemsy
2 Day 139: First things first #Inkscape2011-05-19 in portfolio / requests tagged art / Google / Google SketchUp / Inkscape / OpenSource / postaday2011 / Princeton University / Scalable Vector Graphics / Tutorial by lemsy (updated 3881 days ago)
Day 136: Must love birds #Inkscape2011-05-16 in portfolio / requests tagged Birds / Google / Google SketchUp / Inkscape / OpenSource / postaday2011 / Recreation / Scalable Vector Graphics / Tutorial by lemsy
This is Saturday’s post. So I made this mockup to demonstrate how I think that the Glyphs dialog could be improved in Inkscape. I added it to […] Day 134: A proposed reworking of Glyphs in #Inkscape2011-05-15 in portfolio / requests tagged Advocacy / Articles / Directories / Google SketchUp / Inkscape / Languages / OpenSource / postaday2011 / Programming by lemsy
This sketch illustrates the first lyric in the Queens of the Stone Age song No one knows from Songs for the Deaf. Day 133: A QOTSA lyric #Inkscape2011-05-13 in portfolio / requests tagged Inkscape / Music / postaday2011 / Queens of the Stone Age / YouTube by lemsy (updated 3881 days ago)
The story doesn’t always end the same. Day 125: The tortoise and the jackrabbit (two paths) #Inkscape2011-05-05 in portfolio / requests tagged postaday2011 by lemsy (updated 3881 days ago)