Ray Park as Darth Maul cc-by lemasney Ray Park as Darth Maul cc-by lemasney2013-11-07 in consulting / curriculum vitae / Illustration / open source / photography / portfolio / professional activities / professional experience / research interests / teaching / teaching experience / technology tagged GIMP / Graphics / Inkscape / John LeMasney / Rider University by lemsy (updated 1689 days ago)
7 I have recently had some discussions with people considering co-working spaces and thought immediately of how many times I’ve used the library for this purpose. Thanks to […] Libraries: the original co-working space2013-05-07 in brand / consulting / curriculum vitae / insights / libraries / photography tagged Facebook / Janie Hermann / John LeMasney / lemasney.com / Libraries / Library and Information Science / New Jersey / space / technology by lemsy (updated 1694 days ago)
4 My food philosophy, revised. So I wanted to talk a bit about how my food philosophy has changed most recently, and discuss how that has […] My new food staples checklist: 20 items I can’t go ...2013-03-30 in insights / photography tagged Food / New Jersey by lemsy (updated 1694 days ago)
1 A basic granola recipe. Recipe: A well-balanced, whole food, delicious meal in 5 minutes ...2013-03-26 in Illustration / Inkscape / insights / photography / professional activities / professional experience / publications tagged Butter / Calorie / Cook / Food / Peanut butter / Tablespoon by lemsy (updated 1692 days ago)
3 I enjoy coffee very much. I have recently enjoyed it less recently though, because I’ve begun to realize how it negatively affects my persona. I […] On coffee, tea, and the conflict of locality.2013-03-21 in insights / photography tagged Beverages / Coffee / Drink / Shopping / Stroke by lemsy (updated 1694 days ago)
10 Baking your own bread As I have said here before, I really love bread. I am beginning to actually practice my recent preach of baking […] A very simple bread2013-03-18 in insights / photography tagged Bread / Calorie / Recipe / Tablespoon by lemsy (updated 1694 days ago)