“Most physical keys have been chased off phones, thanks to the rampant rise of touch-screen technology, but here’s a DIY project that wants to bring a smarter kind of physical key to your smartphone. Pressly is a hardware button connected to a 3.5mm male audio jack that plugs into the headphone jack of your Smartphone or Tablet. It is compatible with both Android and iOS(Jailbreak required) platforms. So, for instance, if you always wanted a shortcut to snap a photo and upload it straight to a social network you could create that function in the app which link to Pressly. Of course there are apps that can do this sort of thing, but the point about Pressly is that it’s a chunk of hardware that sits within easy reach of your fingers — thereby cutting down on the number of actions required to perform the function you’re after. Pressly is compatible with a number of apps listed further in the Instructable.” – Pressly: The DIY Almighty Smartphone Button, http://goo.gl/dt1i5L
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