Photo Essay: The Jedediah Higgins House - Wood, metal, stone, and love in Princeton, NJ. cc-by lemasney Photo Essay: The Jedediah Higgins House – A story of ...2015-09-08 in brand / classes and presentations / consulting / curriculum vitae / design principles / honors / insights / photography / portfolio / professional activities / professional experience / publications / research interests / teaching tagged cc-by / Creative Commons license / emotion / lemasney / love / New Jersey / NJ / Photography / portfolio / princeton / Princeton University by lemsy (updated 1684 days ago)
Pressly: The DIY Almighty Smartphone Button Pressly: The DIY Almighty Smartphone Button2015-09-08 in consulting / curriculum vitae / instructional technology / research interests / teaching experience tagged Android / Android (operating system) / Facebook / Google / IOS / IPhone / LeMasney Consulting / news / sharing / Universal Serial Bus / useful by lemsy (updated 1687 days ago)