4 via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/accounts/login/?next=/p/uEhZNELi9d/ Jack and David at Chuckles Pizza, Lawrenceville, NJ2014-10-12 in consulting tagged IFTTT / Instagram / Pizza by lemsy (updated 1708 days ago)
2 The Arduino starter kit via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/accounts/login/?next=/p/uEUv8gLi05/ Here is the finished project 09 from the Arduino starter kit. For some reason the Fritzing image for […] Arduino Starter Kit Project 09: Motorized Pinwheel2014-10-12 in classes and presentations / consulting / curriculum vitae / insights / open source / professional activities / professional experience / teaching experience / technology / workshops tagged Android (operating system) / Arduino / Do it yourself / IFTTT / Instagram by lemsy (updated 1708 days ago)