I really loved this particular definition of designers:
“A designer is an emerging synthesis of artist, inventor, mechanic, objective economist, and evolutionary strategist.” – R. Buckminster Fuller.
If you like it, please share it. If you use it, please attribute me, and thanks! (cc-by lemasney)
lemasney, design, open source, creative commons, cc-by, typography, poster, Inkscape, GIMP, designers, definition
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This image is Creative Commons Attribution licensed (cc-by lemasney)
This content is published under the Attribution 3.0 Unported license.
Pingback: 20121226: Seriously by John LeMasney via 365sketches.org #creativecommons #design #illustration | 365 sketches
Pingback: 20121227: heart made of triangles by John LeMasney via 365sketches.org #creativecommons #design | 365 sketches
Pingback: 20121228: panda made of text by John LeMasney via 365sketches.org #creativecommons #design #typography | 365 sketches
Pingback: 20121231: thank you for everything by John LeMasney via 365sketches.org #creativecommons #design #thanks | 365 sketches