This is Saturday’s post. So I made this mockup to demonstrate how I think that the Glyphs dialog could be improved in Inkscape. I added it to […] Day 134: A proposed reworking of Glyphs in #Inkscape2011-05-15 in portfolio / requests tagged Advocacy / Articles / Directories / Google SketchUp / Inkscape / Languages / OpenSource / postaday2011 / Programming by lemsy
This sketch illustrates the first lyric in the Queens of the Stone Age song No one knows from Songs for the Deaf. Day 133: A QOTSA lyric #Inkscape2011-05-13 in portfolio / requests tagged Inkscape / Music / postaday2011 / Queens of the Stone Age / YouTube by lemsy (updated 3904 days ago)
This was a late revision (the final is slightly different) in a recent project where I had the privilege of helping to design and produce […] Day 132: Hamilton, NJ #Inkscape2011-05-12 in portfolio tagged CorelDRAW / Google SketchUp / Graphics / Inkscape / NJ / OpenSource / postaday2011 / Scalable Vector Graphics / Vector Based by lemsy (updated 1711 days ago)
Disclaimer: don’t listen to me. Day 131: The truth about flirting #Inkscape2011-05-11 in portfolio tagged postaday2011 by lemsy
2 So, a complicating factor in my eyes is not only do I have cataracts, but I have a faulty tear layer. I totally thought that […] Day 130: Problem solved: tear layer2011-05-10 in consulting tagged postaday2011 by lemsy
2 Day 128: Happy Mother’s Day #GIMP2011-05-08 in portfolio tagged postaday2011 by lemsy (updated 3904 days ago)