My God is the Sun cc-by lemasney My God is the Sun: 10 illustrated explanations of the ...2015-12-15 in brand / consulting / Illustration / insights / open source / photography / portfolio / teaching tagged Christmas / Instagram by lemsy (updated 1670 days ago)
I am very excited to have been asked to give the keynote presentation and other presentations at Lib2.0 2015: A Media Specialist Symposium, in October 2015. My first keynote presentation: Lib2.0 at Stockton2015-06-18 in affiliations / brand / classes and presentations / consulting / curriculum vitae / honors / instructional technology / libraries / open source / professional activities / professional experience / references / research interests / teaching / teaching experience / technology / workshops tagged Facebook / Google / Instagram / LinkedIn / Pinterest / Social media / Twitter by lemsy (updated 578 days ago)
“Belief is nothing but a more vivid, lively, forcible, firm, steady conception of an object, than what the imagination alone is ever able to attain.” […] Belief is nothing but – David Hume cc-by lemasney2015-06-09 in Illustration / Inkscape tagged Design / Inkscape / Instagram / lemasney / Photography / type by lemsy (updated 1670 days ago)
via Instagram Rock2014-12-16 in consulting tagged IFTTT / Instagram by lemsy (updated 1670 days ago)
via Instagram Beauty2014-12-16 in consulting tagged IFTTT / Instagram by lemsy (updated 1670 days ago)
via Instagram NYC2014-12-16 in consulting tagged IFTTT / Instagram by lemsy (updated 1670 days ago)