The Linguistic Tricks of YouTube Stars

Barracuda Studio / Shutterstock / Kara Gordon / The Atlantic

Barracuda Studio / Shutterstock / Kara Gordon / The Atlantic

Regarding the linguistic tricks of YouTube stars: I’ve always noticed that the YouTube stars all have the same kind of enthusiastic, bouncy pitch. A linguist was asked about it. Here’s the story!

“Naomi Baron is a professor of linguistics at American University who studies electronically mediated communication. She watched some videos that I sent her, and was very patient with my continued pleas of, “No, but I feel like something is going on here.” And so here, thanks to Baron, are the linguistic components of YouTube voice:” from The Linguistic Tricks of YouTube Stars – The Atlantic via

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About lemsy

John LeMasney is an artist, graphic designer, and technology creative. He is located in beautiful, mountainous Charlottesville, VA, but works remotely with ease. Contact him at: to discuss your next creative project.

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