Getting started with a whole foods nutritional lifestyle. 2

Batonneted potatoes in olive oil with salt and pepper

Batonneted potatoes in olive oil with salt and pepper

I’m very interested in alternatives to the traditional American eating lifestyle. I believe that it is the core reason that obesity is at such a high rate in this country, and a hidden reason behind many contemporary ills, such as heart disease, the dying-hive phenomenon, and the prevalence of cancer. I eat processed food, and it’s likely that you do too. I’m stopping though. I’m going to start adopting a more dedicated whole foods lifestyle, building on my existing whole food regiment.

Whole foods are foods found in nature, or foods built from food found in nature. If it comes in a box in the middle aisles of a major supermarket, chances are it’s processed food. If they sell it at a local farmer’s market, it’s more likely that it is a whole food.  Whole foods tend to be simple, simply prepared, and simply produced. Less ingredients, less fuss, less advertising, less packaging. I am going to be mostly vegetarian, though there are allowances in the lifestyle for meat, when produced locally and eaten responsibly.

Fruits and vegetables will continue to be a core part of my effort. I eat between 5-10 fruits and vegetables a day, as close as possible to their whole form. I eat apples, bananas, oranges, potatoes, onions, string beans, spinach, and related foods every day.

I eat milk, eggs, cheese, 100% whole-wheat and whole-grain products, but I am going to start getting them at independent local markets and bakeries.

I drink water, milk, all natural juices, and naturally sweetened coffee & tea. I am giving up Splenda. I will start using only all natural sweeteners, such as honey, 100% maple syrup, and fruit juice.

I will move from snacks like granola bars, which I love but should make myself (it’s easy, and they are delicious) or not have them at all, and will increase snacks like dried fruit, seeds, and popcorn. I am already an avid fan of shelled nuts.

The expected outcome is that I’ll maintain my weight loss, get sick less, feel better, be less depressed, and have more energy. Doubt me? You must not know me. 🙂

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About lemsy

John LeMasney is an artist, graphic designer, and technology creative. He is located in beautiful, mountainous Charlottesville, VA, but works remotely with ease. Contact him at: to discuss your next creative project.

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