On maintenance #fitness #nutrition #health by lemasney

Procrastination Basic program by lemasney

Procrastination Basic program by lemasney

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How do I feel today; What did I do today?

I’ve been rather depressed lately. It’s mostly chemical-based, but there are a few stressors and other triggers that have been bringing it on. I tend to meet depression at major points of life change, and some, like the end or beginning of the year, are built-in. There’s also, though, the change that my body has gone through, and the ways in which my eating has changed for maintenance mode, rather than losing mode. One might think that the suddenly allowed addition of 700 extra calories in a day would be welcomed, but for me, it has been a fearful transition. There’s fear that my eating habits will return to the way that they were, where I eat simply because food is there, or simply because of the way that I feel, and that’s scary. I enjoy eating according to a plan, with a purpose, and to a goal, but now that the goal is reached, there is more unknown than known in the future. One might ask “Isn’t your goal now to stay where you are?” Well, yes, but there is more enjoyment in movement towards betterment (transformational) than stability in betterment (transactional), and even though I know what I must do, there is a struggle there with no clear wins or finish lines. I’ve met this depression before, when I graduated from degrees, when I accomplished other goals, and when I changed relationships. There is pain in ending, and fear in new beginnings. It works out in the end, when there is stability and familiarity in the new situation.

What or how have I been eating recently; What did I savor?

I have been eating cautiously lately, mostly whole foods, mostly vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and  fruit. There is joy in eating what you know, and a certain solace in the familiar.

How have I been moving?

It’s cold, and so I’ve continued to slack a bit in my movement. I’m walking about 5000 steps a day, about half of what I walk in nicer weather. I’ve been spending most of my usual walking time finishing projects and starting new work.

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About lemsy

John LeMasney is an artist, graphic designer, and technology creative. He is located in beautiful, mountainous Charlottesville, VA, but works remotely with ease. Contact him at: lemasney@gmail.com to discuss your next creative project.

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