Manifesto of Open


Part of my success with fitness and nutritional awareness has been the openness with which I have shared what I know and have learned, the openness of studies and findings on nutritional topics, and free-flowing information. Knowing other things in life can be easy too.

  1. Openness is the way. There are other ways, but open is best.
  2. Openness provides for continuous improvement. This list is open, and so improvement and refinement is possible.
  3. Openness is similar and kin to transparency, flexibility, bend, possibility, open-mind, and open-heart. Pursue these.
  4. It is better to have things known, to allow others to come to their own truths, sans delusion.
  5. Openness allows for seeing everything, and when one can see, decisions, direction, and clarity improve.
  6. Reinventing the wheel is akin to insanity, as per Einstein’s definition: doing the same thing over and over, in pursuit of a new outcome.
  7. Openness and propriety are differential directional points along a continuum.
  8. Openness allows for the less painful incorporation of change. Change has been, change is, change will be. Openness to new possibilities as outcome of change is essential for a smooth transition between states.
  9. Openness applies to everything, be it relationships, business practices, or ideas. Great models for the benefits of openness include Open Source software, open source hardware, the make movement, and creative commons licensing. These are exemplars and beacons of the ideas presented here.
  10. Openness is a choice. There is always an opportunity for openness.


This content is published under the Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

About lemsy

John LeMasney is an artist, graphic designer, and technology creative. He is located in beautiful, mountainous Charlottesville, VA, but works remotely with ease. Contact him at: to discuss your next creative project.

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