My consultation rate is $50 an hour. Our first hour is always free for new customers! Click for details, including how we might work together for free!
Recording of the senses. We already have the very clear record of what we see and we have the ability to hear and record what we hear. We are just beginning to understand how to record how we touch with haptics, like in remote robot gloves.
I am very excited to have been asked to give the keynote presentation and other presentations at Lib2.0 2015: A Media Specialist Symposium, in October 2015.
The story of the maple seed hanging sculptures that are a part of the 2015 Princeton Parklet is a very interesting one, and I thought I'd share it as a way of thanking everyone involved in their creation. But first, some definitions.
On Robert Pirsig “Pirsig’s work consists most notably of two novels. The better known, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, develops around Pirsig’s exploration […]
“Belief is nothing but a more vivid, lively, forcible, firm, steady conception of an object, than what the imagination alone is ever able to attain.” […]